Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Week In Review

The last week has brought creation, laughter, sniffles and victory.  The creation occurred in the last 2 days when I realized that I had to turn the sewing machine back on and make something.  I looked online for bag patterns, because the one thing we need in this house is another bag, so I made two.  I have some different fabric stashed throughout the house and I wanted to try out these patterns. 

The first bag is made with more of the Laura Gunn, Lantern Bloom fabric, and it is my first attempt at using pleats.  I added an additional layer of batting to this bag to make is a little more substantial and I think it will be perfect for "jeans days" back at work.

The second bag was made with that adorable tweet tweet fabric, I think I could make just about anything with this fabric and it would turn out fantastic. This bag has already accumulated some of Sophia's books and toys in the outside pockets and has gone on a few "trips to the store" on the handlebar of her bicycle, I'd say it is a hit!

The laughter began with a visit from Liam, I think the picture says it all....one of the few days we've had snow and it has been nice enough to go out and play in it.

And just to prove that I did in fact have all 3 kids at the same time, and they were all fed...and no Layla was not drinking the Starbucks!

The sniffles have come and gone in this house over the last few months and this past week was no exception.  The girls were enjoying some sick time together in Layla's new bed.
And of course the victory which started it all, Canada's amazing 2010 Olympics.  Sophia loved her new jersey, especially when she saw that Liam had the same one (check out the lunch picture).  Unfortunately I don't have a better picture of her actually smiling in her jersey.

So it's been a busy week, Layla is officially sleeping in her own room, and quite successfully since she has now slept through the night for 2 straight nights!!!  I don't want to think about her being 6 months old...my maternity leave is now half over...I'll have to get sewing to finish all the projects on my list.

1 comment:

  1. Love the Lantern Bloom bag, colour and shape. Lots of fun in the snow coming this weekend for the girls and Liam. Can't wait.
